Our work neuroimaging the effects of psychedelics (psilocybin) on the human brain has received widespread attention from the press:
- Original press release by Imperial College London
- NewScientist: How magic mushrooms induce a dreamlike state
- Huffington Post
- IFLscience: Your brain on magic mushrooms
Also, a short piece I wrote for the blog “El gato y la caja” (in spanish)
Our work on statistical criticality and function-structure dynamics (together with Ariel Haimovici, Pablo Balenzuela and Dante Chialvo) has received widespread attention from specialised and popular press:
- APS Viewpoint: The Critical Brain (by D. Plenz)
- Royal Spanish Physics Society (in spanish)
- The thermodynamics of brain connectivity. Investigacion y Ciencia (in spanish)
- The critical dynamics of the healthy brain. University of Buenos Aires (in spanish)
Our work on neuroimaging chronic pain has been covered by major newspapers and radio broadcasts of Argentina:
- Chronic pain leaves a footprint on the brain. La Nacion (in spanish)
- Enzo @ Magdalena Tempranisimo (in spanish)
- Dante @ La Cornisa, with Luis Majul (in spanish, for more information on Luis Majul see this link)