Shore of the Baltic Sea, Kiel, 2014.

Shore of the Baltic Sea, Kiel, 2014.

I’m generally interested in the brain, physics, computer science, mathematics and society. In particular, I am interested in how the brain, as a complex physical system, can support different states of conscious awareness.

I was born in the beautiful city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, where I studied physics and mathematics (for free!) in the University of Buenos Aires. I did my Master thesis under the direction of Dante Chialvo, where I worked for the first time with neuroimaging data, applying different computational techniques, some of them inspired by methods & ideas from statistical mechanics. After finishing my degrees I moved to Frankfurt, Germany, where I’m about to obtain my PhD in physics from the Goethe University, under the direction of Helmut Laufs and Jochen Triesch and as part of the NeFF consortium.

Currently I work as researcher in the University of Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, the northernmost university in Germany.

